Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Policy at

World Academy.

To provide clear guidance to Faculty/ Administrative / Domestic staff and Parents about expected codes of behaviour in dealing with Child Protection issues, thus ensuring child protection concerns and referrals which will be handled sensitively, professionally and in ways which support the needs of the child.

This policy applies to all Students and Staff (Faculty/Administrative/Domesctic) who work with them at World Academy.

Team Responsible for Safeguarding Children:

  • Principal
  • Vice Principal
  • Coordinators:
  • Preparatory Coordinator
  • Kindergarten Coordinator
  • Junior Section Coordinators
  • Senior Section Coordinator

World Academy is committed to provide a safe and secure environment for all of its students. To ensure the welfare of all, World Academy believes that every member of the organisation has a role to play, which is encompassed in our Child Protection Policy. Its purpose is to protect both children and staff by clearly defining what action is required in order to keep children safe, and ensuring a consistency of behaviour so that all staff members follow the same process.

Our Child Protection Policy outlines:

  1. Clearly-defined requirements to keep children safe
  2. Clear ways of identifying concerns
  3. Appropriate procedures if a concern should arise
  4. Guidelines for reporting and recording concerns
  5. Recruitment guidelines including screening and vetting procedures for all staff and visitors
  6. Safe working practices and acceptable staff behaviour
  7. Child protection training for all adults working with children
  8. Extended school and off-site arrangements


Child Protection Team is based at each level of the School, so that we are able to follow up on any queries or concerns students, teachers and parents may have in regard to child safety in our School.



Our core safeguarding principles are:

  • It is the school’s responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children including the early learning years.
  • Children who are and feel safe make more successful learners.
  • Representatives of the School, parents, guardians and staff is involved in policy development and review.
  • Policies are reviewed annually unless an incident or new legislation or guidance suggests the need for an earlier date of review.

We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.

The procedures contained in this policy apply to all staff.

  1. Requirements To Keep Children Safe:

To meet and maintain our responsibilities towards children, the School agrees to the following standards of good practice:

  • Treating each other with respect
  • Setting a good example by conducting ourselves appropriately
  • Involving children in decision-making which affects them
  • Encouraging positive and safe behaviour among all stakeholders
  • Being a good listener
  • Being alert to changes in child’s behavior
  • Recognizing that challenging behaviour may be an indicator of abuse
  • Reading and understanding all of the school’s safeguarding and guidance documents on wider safeguarding issues, for example bullying, physical contact, e-safety plans and information-sharing
  • Asking the child’s permission before doing anything for them which is of a physical nature such as assisting with dressing, physical support during PE or administering First Aid
  • Maintaining appropriate standards of conversation and interaction with and between children and avoiding the use of sexualised or derogatory language
  • Being aware that the personal and family circumstances and lifestyles of some children lead to an increased risk of neglect and/or abuse
  1. Clear Ways of Identifying Concerns

Below are some key points to diagnose behavioural issues and potential learning difficulties concerning the students:

  • Obsessions or phobias
  • Sudden under-achievement or lack of concentration
  • Inappropriate relationships with peers and/or adults
  • Being unable to play
  • Attention seeking behaviour
  • Fear of making mistakes
  • Self-harm
  • Fear of parent being approached regarding their behaviour

School Staff is vigilant and observant, thus sensitive to any changes in their students’ behaviors. If any of the changes occurs it is immediately reported to the Section Coordinator.


  1. Appropriate Procedures If A Concern Should Arise

Our complaints procedure is followed where a child or parent raises a concern about poor practice towards a child that initially does not reach the threshold for child protection action. Poor practice examples include unfairly singling out a child, using sarcasm or humiliation as a form of control, bullying or belittling a child or discriminating against them in some way. Complaints are managed by Section Coordinator, Vice Principal and Principal.

Complaints from staff are dealt with under the school’s complaints and disciplinary and grievance procedures.

  1. Guidelines for Reporting and Recording Concerns:
  • Allow them to speak freely.
  • Remain calm and do not over react – the child may stop talking if they feel they are upsetting you.
  • Give reassuring nods or words of comfort – ‘I’m so sorry this has happened’, ‘I want to help’, ‘It isn’t your fault’, ‘You’re doing the right thing in talking to me’.
  • Do not be afraid of silences – remember how hard this must be for the child.
  • Under no circumstances ask investigative questions – such as how many times this has happened, whether it happens to siblings too etc.
  • At an appropriate time, and only if you judge the child to be in immediate danger, tell the child that in order to help them you must pass the information on.
  • Do not automatically offer any physical touch as comfort. It may be anything but comforting to a child who has been abused.
  • Avoid admonishing the child for not disclosing earlier. Saying ‘I do wish you had told me about this when it started’ or ‘I can’t believe what I’m hearing’ may be your way of being supportive but the child may interpret it that they have done something wrong.
  • Tell the child what will happen next. The child may agree to go with you to see the designated person. Otherwise let them know that someone (The Designated Counselor) will come to see them before the end of the day.
  • Reassure the child that all abuse is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • Avoid making promises that cannot be kept (‘Everything will be alright now’, ‘I’ll stay with you’). Most importantly, teachers should never make a promise of confidentiality.
  • Report verbally to the designated person.
  • Write up your conversation as soon as possible on the record of concern form and hand it to the designated person.
  • Seek support if you feel distressed.
  1. Recruitment Guideline:

Our school endeavours to ensure that we do our utmost to employ ‘safe’ staff by following the guidance in Keeping Children Safe in Education together with the school’s individual procedures. The Principal asks the staff for necessary certification in this area. Safer recruitment means that all applicants will:

  • Complete an application form
  • Provide two referees including at least one who can comment on the applicant’s suitability to work with children
  • Provide evidence of identity and qualifications
  • Be checked through the Criminal Records Bureau as appropriate to their role
  • Be interviewed

All new members of staff undergo an induction that includes familiarisation with the school’s safeguarding and child protection policy and identification of their own safeguarding and child protection training needs.

Training includes the staff code of ethical behaviour, and the identity of the designated persons.

  1. Safe Working Practices:

The School offers the following advice to staff and other responsible adults (including volunteers):

  • Avoid physical contact with pupils where possible, in line with the policy on Handling Difficult behaviour.
  • When working in a one to one situation with a pupil, be in view of another responsible adult or in a room with a door directly open to view.
  • Only communicate with pupils via sanctioned means, and avoid all contact with pupils outside the school context.
  • Report to the Coordinator of respective section if a pupil attempts to make personal contact outside of school sanctioned means
  • Report to the Coordinator of respective section if a pupil show any sign of becoming overly fixated with the responsible adult or another colleague
  • Not to make gifts to pupils or their families, which could be interpreted as a gesture to bride or groom.
  • Exercise care when selecting pupils for or excluding pupils from activities, to avoid any perception of favouritism or injustice.
  • Any discussions about sexual matters, whatever the nature, will only be discussed in a normal teaching situation and never on a one-to-one basis.


  1. Training for all Adults:

It is important that all staff have training to enable them to recognise the possible signs of abuse and neglect and to know what to do if they have a concern. New staff  receives training during their induction. All staff, including the Principal receives training that is updated at least every three years, including training in inter-agency procedures.

Trainer: Ms. Ayesha S. Jamal –  Co Founder & Chief Care Officer at Centre of Inclusive Care

  1. Extended School And Off-Site Arrangements

Where extended school activities are provided by and managed by the School, our own safeguarding and child protection policy and procedures apply. If other organisations provide services or activities on our site, we check that they have appropriate procedures in place including safer recruitment procedures. When our children attend off-site activities, we check that effective child protection arrangements are in place.

Arrangements For Reviewing Policies And Procedures:

There is an annual review of the policy or when new regulations are published, including an update and review of procedures and their implementation. The Management Team ensures that the School contributes to effective communication and good cooperation with the Students and the Staff.

If there has been a substantiated allegation against a member of staff, the School will determine whether there are any improvements to be made to the School’s procedures or practice to help prevent similar events in the future.

Emergency Out Of Hours Contact

In an emergency, outside of School hours and all day on Saturdays and Sundays for child protection concerns:


Telephone: +92-21-35863881-2 / 35834789

The Counselors:

Ms. Ayesha Jamal- Co Founder & Chief Care Officer at Centre of Inclusive Care

Ms. Rabia Aziz- Founder of an online support group called Special Need Pakistan