Academic Expectations

Desire excellence
Respect others
Engage in Meaningful Work
Accept Everyone
Motivate Everyone Everyday
Support All in a Safe Environment

World Academy’s top priority is that students should be proud of their academic work. The school urges and requires that all work submitted for assessment to the teachers is of the student’s own creation and cases of copying, or unauthorized outside help in the completion of school work, may result in disciplinary action. World Academy expects its students to be responsible learners in all aspects of their lives. The school recognizes that its role in educating the whole person goes beyond the academic instruction of the classroom. We teach students to maintain the highest standards of behavior, good manners and grooming at all times. Each student therefore has a responsibility to set an example which other members of the community will be proud to follow.

  • Care for the environment by keeping the school clean and tidy. Those who do not will be required to clean up.
  • Show tolerance , respect for, the rights, work and opinions of others.
  • Participate fully in the life of the school.
  • Be responsible and accept accountability for their actions and learning.
  • Be punctual and regular.